Advantages of Traveling Alone as a Woman
10 reasons why you should travel alone as a woman
July 25, 2022
Does the thought of traveling alone make you nervous? As a woman solo traveler who was in your shoes a few years ago, I totally get it!
Solo travel is challenging and takes a lot of courage to do it. When you plan to travel alone for the first time, there will certainly be a few things that will worry you. And while it is completely normal to have doubts, it is important not to let them stop you on your tracks.
You have to look a little beyond the hesitation to fully grasp the benefits that the experience will give you. That's why I compiled some of the best 10 reasons why you should travel alone as a woman!
Once you decide to embark on this adventure, you will find it an unforgettable life milestone that will change you forever.
Why should you travel alone as a woman at least once?
Countless travel bloggers talk about how important it is to take a solo trip from time to time. The idea is a little scary initially, but it can be worth it.
Need a little more convincing? Here are 10 reasons why traveling alone is a good idea and what you can gain out of it:
Belgium, Greece, Costa Rica, Paris, Spain, or would you prefer India? Would you like to go on a city trip, a hiking expedition, a wellness trip, or preferably a beach vacation?
Once you are at your destination, would you like to travel by train, by bus or do you prefer to walk? Do you wish to explore really early in the mornings and focus on taking solo portraits or would you prefer to sleep in whenever you want?
These are all questions only you have to answer. One of the main reasons why many solo travelers choose to go alone is because they don't have to compromise on their plans. When you solo travel, you can plan your trip according to your interests and wishes.
Booking last-minute flights and activity tickets for yourself is also so much easier!
There is no one to distract you if you travel alone. Your only company at all times is yourself.
But you don’t have to be the same person you’ve been all along! You can find ways to reinvent yourself when you’re on a solo trip. Since you’ll be on your own, all you have to worry about is yourself and your thoughts. By doing so, you can fully reflect on your own life and become clearer about what makes you...YOU.
Surrounding yourself with a new environment, away from all that you have known back home, you will also find renewed inspiration and solutions to conflicts in your life that previously seemed difficult or hopeless.
When you take a solo trip, you have the opportunity to rediscover yourself and put your traits in a new light. This will lead you to change your way of thinking and your attitude making things in your life change for the better.
If you tend to be a people-pleaser, it’s likely that you often forget about what YOU want to do.
You do not have to consider anyone’s feelings when you are traveling alone. You don't need to pretend that you’re content with pleasing anyone at all! So, by embracing your uniqueness and the choices you make on your own, you challenge yourself to put yourself first.
When traveling solo, you’ll need to listen to your inner voice and follow your heart (and gut) to enjoy it. Doing this will let you know what it feels like to be truly free and independent!
The best part is that once you return from your solo trip, you’ll notice that putting yourself first will be second-nature. It will ultimately help you make much better life decisions and set any necessary personal boundaries.
If you travel without someone who can provide you with cultural references, like a friend that’s visited your destination before, it’s possible that you'll perceive new people and cultures differently than them.
The benefit of solo travel is that you’ll have your own bit of experiences to base your understanding of the country and its people. As a result, you’ll become more open and receptive to conversations with the locals which may lead to a deeper appreciation for your trip, lifetime friendships and even a great love!
Becoming culturally well-rounded as a solo traveler begins with finding ways to immerse yourself in the daily life. You can do this by dining alone at local restaurants, shopping at small businesses, and joining cultural activities like language classes and traditional festivities.
It’s through these skills that you realize it’s up to you when, what, and how much money you want to spend on your solo trip.
If you wish to stay in a 5-star hotel with a view of the sea, all by yourself, but you don’t have a lot of money saved up, you’ll have to follow some savings tips to make it happen. Likewise, if you would like to spend money on a lot of touristy activities, you’d certainly benefit from creating a detailed budget and sticking to it.
Or, if you are you more of a thrifty person who prefers shared Airbnbs or hostel lodging, you might need to spend a good chunk of time researching what your best options are while compromising between what you want and what you actually need.
Regardless of which scenario fits you best, there’s no doubt that solo travel teaches you valuable personal finance skills you can use before, during, and after you travel alone around the world!
Solo travelers often appear more approachable to locals, which means you'll be able to exchange ideas more openly with them. Through their conversations, you’ll learn what it’s like to live their life in ways that are probably outside of what’s ‘normal’ to you.
The nomad lifestyle is something many solo travelers dream of achieving after a few years into their traveling journey. But the transition is not as easy as it sounds and it brings a lot of uncertainty with it.
When you solo travel, whether for a few days or a year, you’ll get a taste of the mindset shifts that it takes to be a nomad. This is especially helpful if you find yourself wanting to work or live in another country.
Through this experience, you’ll get to know if you can have more than one “home” and if you can easily adapt to the changes happening around you.
When I returned home to the U.S. from Spain, I vowed to get a job in the engineering industry within 6 months (I had an engineering degree which obviously helped).
During the job hunting, I stressed a lot about employers asking me why I took a year off and what I learned from it. I was nervous they would think I wasted time just so that I could have "fun” traveling instead of investing in the industry.
But while I revamped my resume, I realized that I quickly gained a wide-range of skills that I would have learned in an engineering job anyway. Moving out onto the world as a solo traveler helps you develop your communication skills, knowledge of human nature, adaptability, organizational abilities, time management, personal responsibility, and self-confidence.
Needless to say, I was able to join a company in only 3 months!
Gaining these skills will benefit you in your professional and private life for many years to come. If this is your intention, with no one to interrupt you during your solo trip, you can tune in to your self-development much more and perceive things more clearly.
It is impossible to discover what you are capable of if you never step out of your comfort zone.
When you travel alone for the first time, it is common for personal fears and weaknesses to tag along for the ride. But you’ll find it rewarding to know that even though the experience exposes them, it also teaches you how to balance them for the better.
Weaknesses, in general, don’t disappear overnight but practicing solutions to counter them is a life-changing skill. It may be difficult to deal with them alone at first, but you will be proud of yourself and feel accomplished afterward.
In addition, you'll notice that on future solo trips you'll have the confidence of an experienced traveler and be even more courageous. Your solo travel fears and doubts will slowly vanish!
Adulthood as a phase is very hard in terms of living. It can get us down when we least expect it.
We might work so hard that we forget how to have downtime or fun. In addition, other people contribute to our daily stress which in turn might makes us feel broken or lost.
Whether it is the end of a relationship with a partner, conflict with family, job stress, or monotony in your routine, treating yourself to self-care is crucial. Prioritizing your mental and emotional health is key to reducing symptoms of sadness or depression.
During solo travel, you’ll be able to step away from the issue and do things that would actually make you feel good from within. By pampering yourself with a solo trip, you’re most likely to come back home with a renewed sense of self and think of solutions to move forward.
The mere thought of traveling alone makes you feel a lump in your throat? In that case, you should take a deep breath. When you travel solo, you don’t have to be alone all the time!
You don’t have to isolate. Solo travel is what you make of it. You can choose to be on your own 100% of the time, or just 25% of the time and it will still count as solo travel!
You will meet a lot of new people on your trip, whether they are locals from your daily interactions or other solo travelers like you at the tours you join. Taking your first solo trip takes courage, but putting yourself out there takes effort!
Once you do it once, it’ll be easier to do it again and again. You’ll truly only be alone for a few days. It will be worth it!
Traveling alone is for women who dare win at their travel goals in life
Many people shy away from the idea of solo travel because they are afraid of feeling lonely, bored, and unable to connect with strangers when being on their own.
Many of those people are also convinced that it is too risky (especially for women) to travel alone. They even go as far as to project those feelings onto others and convince them too that solo travel is just not worth it.
But the reality is that most of them never even tried to make it happen. They certainly didn’t reap the benefits that solo travel brings in.
So, if you are a woman looking to take their first solo travel experience, be brave and open to challenges even if it seems scary at first. You can start by manifesting and believing that solo travel is for you.
Just remember that through this experience you will meet many people who feel the same way as you and you will be grateful for the lessons you’ll learn!
Are you ready to start planning your trip? Let’s get you ready to start your solo travel journey now! Get your free Solo Travel Checklist printable when you sign up to the monthly newsletter!
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